Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (e3)

Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (e3)

A new statewide initiative known as Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (e3) is strengthening entrepreneurship in five Greater Nebraska communities. This community-building project works to bolster entrepreneurial ecosystems in Valley County, Holt County, Keith County, Sidney, and Red Cloud through extensive training, education, and peer learning opportunities.

5 items in 1 page(s)

Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (e3) - Sidney/Cheyenne County

Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (E3) is strengthening six Greater Nebraska hometowns through extensive training, education and peer learning opportunities.

Alisha Juelfs

Phone: (308) 249-7446

371 College Drive
Sidney, NE 69162

Holt County Economic Development

Holt County Economic Development offers existing and start-up businesses technical assistance, education, local grant and loan assistance, business planning, location assistance, and much more to help them thrive in Holt County.

Executive Director

Phone: (402) 336-1504

330 East Hancock Street
O'Neill, NE 68763

Keith County Area Development (KCAD)

Keith County Area Development is an organization formed by concerned citizens to responsibly promote new development, assist existing businesses and maintain open relationships within the community.

Mary Wilson

Phone: (308) 284-6623

10 North Spruce Street, Suite C
PO Box 418
Ogallala, NE 69153

Red Cloud Heritage Tourism Development - Small Business and Community Development

Red Cloud is one of five Greater Nebraska hometowns strengthening local business and entrepreneurship through Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (E3), a strategic small business development initiative. Extensive training, education, and peer learning opportunities empower Red Cloud’s current and aspiring entrepreneurs to start, expand, and sustain thriving operations.

Jarrod McCartney

Phone: (402) 746-2653

413 North Webster Street
Red Cloud, NE 68970

Valley County Economic Development

The Valley County Economic Development Board serves as the primary facilitative organization for economic growth and development in Valley County.

Caleb Pollard

Phone: (308) 728-7875

1514 K Street
Ord, NE 68862

5 items in 1 page(s)