Job Relations Supervisor Training – Omaha

Omaha Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Center - Omaha 8960 L St. Suite 200, Omaha, NE

Supervisor Development uses a dynamic program of hands-on learning and practice, teaching essential skills for supervisors, team leaders, and anyone who directs the work of others. This training is an essential element of Lean and continuous improvement programs around the world including the Toyota Production System. Job Relations (JR) teaches supervisors how to evaluate and […]


Problem Solving Supervisor Training – Omaha

Omaha Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Center - Omaha 8960 L St. Suite 200, Omaha, NE

This interactive training provides supervisors and key employees with a basic overview of the problem-solving process. The training includes problem-solving definition, the benefits of a good process, and provides basic starting points for each participant to develop their problem-solving skills. We will cover PDCA (Plan, Do, Check Act), demonstrate different types of problem-solving tools, how […]


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