Business Resources

First Five Nebraska – Business & Economic Leaders

First Five Nebraska is a team of public policy, data analysis and communications professionals focused on advancing high-quality early care and learning opportunities for Nebraska’s youngest children.


A Driver For Business and Economic Development

Nebraska ranks among the top 4 states in the nation for the percentage of children under age 6 who have all available parents in the workforce. Yet, about 91% of Nebraska counties lack sufficient child care options to meet local demands. Left unaddressed, this gap can stifle economic opportunity for families by keeping parents out of the workforce, undercut employer productivity and make it difficult for communities to attract and retain business and industry. These gaps also weaken the talent development pipeline we need to grow a highly skilled and marketable future workforce.

Business and Economic Leadership is Key

It’s good business when employers, chambers of commerce and economic development corporations play a crucial role in strengthening Nebraska’s early childhood infrastructure. As an influential and respected community leader, you are well positioned to bring valuable expertise and resources to public-private efforts to make high-quality child care and other early childhood programs more available in your community and across the state.

Services Provided

Public Policy and Government Relations

  • Nebraska Business Issues (Specialty)
  • Small Business Policy (Specialty)

Networking Organizations

  • Industry Specific (Specialty)
Contact Information
Mike Feeken
301 South 13th Street, Suite 600
Lincoln, NE 68508