Business Resources

Cuming County Economic Development

Cuming County Economic Development is a county-wide economic development organization that works to create opportunities for businesses to start, grow, or move to Cuming County, Nebraska.


Across the Village of Bancroft, the Village of Beemer, the City of West Point, and the City of Wisner, our communities believe in an effort to ensure economic sustainability and social vitality for the business community as well as the local residents.

Cuming County Economic Development (CCED) was established by local municipalities and county governments working together to help support local businesses and agriculture to increase the taxable valuation in hopes to provide opportunities to county residents, address rural depopulation, and to spread the county tax base and reduce property taxes. CCED is funded by an inter-local agreement between Cuming County and its four communities.

    • Business consultation (expansion, job opening advertisement, transition planning, etc.)

    • Business grant-loan support (we will help you find what is available locally and state-wide)

    • Continually update, implement and follow the Cuming County Economic Development strategic plan

    • County-wide marketing campaign

    • Host informational workshops for housing, marketing, agricultural and business

Cuming County Economic Development, Inc. (CCED, Inc.) is the non-profit arm to CCED, a county-wide economic development organization that works to create opportunities for businesses to start, grow or move to Cuming County, Nebraska.

CCED, Inc. received its non-profit status from the IRS in July of 2013. Its mission statement and exempt purpose is to undertake activities to encourage the retention and attraction of businesses in the area to help enhance the county’s economy by focusing on business retention and expansion, people recruitment, business recruitment, community betterment and housing.

Services Provided

Business Planning

  • Business Plan Consulting, Development and Review

Financial Resources and Assistance

  • Grant Funding Providers (Specialty)
  • LB840 (Specialty)
  • Loan Providers (Specialty)

Libraries and Research Organizations

  • Business Research Resources


  • E-Commerce/Internet Marketing

Networking Organizations

  • Small Business/General (Specialty)

Economic and Site Development

  • Site Location Assistance (Specialty)

Nonprofit Development

  • Funds Development

Starting a Business

  • Business Research Resources
  • Site Location
  • Startup Business Counseling
Contact Information
David Branch
200 South Lincoln Street
PO Box 17
West Point, NE 68788