Learn how the Nebraska Enterprise Fund and their talented team can help grow your business.
All are welcome. You need not be a veteran nor a business owner to attend.
The guest speaker is Jim Reiff
Jim is currently the Executive Director of the Nebraska Enterprise Fund (NEF), a certified CDFI serving small and microbusiness across Nebraska and SW Iowa with over $25 Million of Assets. Beyond NEF, Jim serves on the Advisory Board Member of MetaFund, an investment CDFI based in Oklahoma, and the Board of ROAM the regional Bike Share.
Jim has spent over 20 years in the economic development field focused on micro and small business financing and development. He started full time work in the economic field at the Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District. He subsequently took several international roles in Albania, India, and the Latin American region leading microfinance programming.
Jim is a graduate of St. Olaf College, and Eastern University with an M.S. in Economic Development, is certified as an Economic Development Finance Professional. He has served in the US Army Reserves and as a Peace Corps Volunteer. His oldest child is a middle school educator and youngest studies journalism at UN-L.
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