City of Omaha – Human Rights and Relations Department – Small and Emerging Business (SEB) Program
The SEB Program promotes and enforces small and emerging business utilization in city contracts with the overall goal to stimulate economic growth in areas having high levels of poverty. To be considered for authorization under the SEB Program, a physical working office location within the Omaha Council Bluffs Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is required. The MSA shall include Cass, Douglas, Sarpy, Saunders, and Washington counties in Nebraska, and Harrison, Mills, and Pottawattamie counties in Iowa.
Businesses are categorized as Tier I and Tier II which is determined based on the location of their headquarters and the location of employees by utilizing this map. They are also further divided based on their North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes and size to determine if they are an \”Emerging Small Business\” or a \”Small Business\”. Find more information about applying to be an SEB here.
Services Provided
Public Policy and Government Relations
- Business Issues Related to a Specific City (Specialty)
- Small Business Policy (Specialty)
Financial Resources and Assistance
- Obtaining Government Funding
Networking Organizations
- Geographically Based (Specialty)
- Industry Specific (Specialty)
- Small Business/General (Specialty)
Selling to the Government and Large Corporations
- Obtaining Certification (Specialty)
- Obtaining Government Contracts (Specialty)
- Subcontracting Opportunities (Specialty)
Regulatory Compliance
- Government Requirements (Specialty)
Karol Gonzalez Rivera
1819 Farnam Street Suite 502
Omaha, NE 68183
(402) 444-5066
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