Early Learning Connection (ELC) – Nebraska Department of Education – High Plains
It is designed as a system that supports the career and professional development of all who provide programs and services for young children birth through age eight that includes:
Professional development for early childhood and school-age;
Supports for implementation utilizing early childhood coaches;
Program quality assessments – Environment Rating Scale (ERS) assessments for early learning;
Strategic planning with higher education (2-yr and 4-yr.) and other adult learning organizations;
Community engagement and outreach.
Elements of the Early Learning Connection professional development system to support a well-qualified and skilled workforce across a range of programs and services include:
Seven regional Early Learning Connection partnerships to coordinate access to comprehensive professional development opportunities (see below);
A core body of knowledge identified in Nebraska’s Core Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals and the School-Age and Youth Development Core Competencies;
Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska’s Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards that are aligned to the K-12 school standards;
Early Learning Connection Registry for practitioners, including trainers, and programs (under development);
Outreach and access strategies of the web-based statewide training calendar and assistance in selection of child care;
Intentional strategies to create a quality improvement system in which all early childhood programs and practitioners are supported and encouraged to improve child outcomes, including through Results Matter;
Connections with an array of professional and career development entities that have an adult education and learning mission, including the Community Learning Centers Network, the Child and Adult Care Food Program sponsors, Head Start training and technical assistance staff, University Extension, and others.
The Early Learning Connection is supported with resources from the federal Child Care and Development Fund, IDEA Part C, IDEA Part B-619 and other public and private funding.
Services Provided
Professional Development for Child Care
- Early Learning Guidelines
- Continuing Inservice Credits
- Coaching
- Early Childhood Education
Cheryl Roche
314 West 1st Street
Ogallala, NE 69153
(308) 284-8481 Ext: 2204
(308) 284-8483
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