Custer Economic Development Corporation (CEDC)
Since its inception in 2003, Custer Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) has provided support and resources to new and expanding businesses, fostering business growth and retention in the area.
CEDC is a non-profit organization, 501(c)(3), supported by private funds, not by local or state tax dollars. This structure streamlines communication, decision-making, and documentation to provider greater efficiency in developing economic opportunities. Additionally, CEDC maintains strong ties with community leaders to ensure the greatest cooperation in encouraging economic development.
Our vision is fostering a positive business climate creating jobs, economic diversity and increasing the tax base while improving the quality of life for the residents of Custer County. Working together with local businesses, individuals and public entities to champion positive and lasting economic growth.
Services Provided
Libraries and Research Organizations
- Business Research Resources
- Demographic/Census Data
Networking Organizations
- Demographically Based (Specialty)
- Small Business/General (Specialty)
Economic and Site Development
- Revitalization
- Site Location Assistance
Starting a Business
- Site Location
Executive Director
805 South F Street
Broken Bow, NE 68822
(402) 922-0774
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